Gritted teeth. Tensed muscles. The comm long since muted. An ear splitting scream, as a fourteen year old, who was not a fourteen year old, but an echo of a living scion mankind. Sigma was Irina. And yet it was not. For Irina still existed as herself, and like the copy unto the template, Sigma was just following the steps others had set. Yet, none of this ever mattered. She screamed in top of her lungs. Roused by violence and blood. "RAAAAAAAHHHH!" She screamed. And then a communication. The screaming ceased. A plea for help. An apology. The screaming stopped. The calm settled in. The fingers deftly flickered the intercom. Her messy silver hair was wild, and it curtained the expression of her eyes. A teeth clenched smile, one full of cynicism, violence and sadness had crept up in Sigma's face. Some smiles just [i]show teeth[/i] after all. "Roger that, Idiot" She said. "Don't plea. This is what I was born for." She quiped back, in her grave impersonation of Irina. "SMILE FOR THE CAMERA, PHALLIC IMAGERY FUCKTARD!" She added as she set her crosshairs into the gross beast, her rifle set to pierce the main's beasts core. Without hesitation, she fired. She then, with a sharp move, retreated her sniper rifle, and turned her boosters on. "Still too. damn. many. Cockroaches." She cursed as she retreated further in distance after covering Serah. [hr] Sigma Attack>C6 Move From B5 to A5 (Would move more but we're running out of map).