[@Azkott] And that's why he and Sigrun will get along so well. She's essentially the same way. I can definitely see Sigrun butting heads with Constance. Her mannerisms, attitude, and effusive personality would annoy Sigi to no end. I could, however, see them bonding at some point over their...possibly similar histories of living in squalor for several years. The same could be said for Sigrun and Luna, though I can see them having issues when it comes to healing someone. While her methods might be a little archaic, Sigrun has ten years of hands on experience as a doctor's assistant and doctor in Beggar's Row. She's seen some nasty shit and isn't likely to take advice from a [i]helgus[/i] like Luna when it comes to medicine. Also, I have a sneaking suspicion their bedside manners are totally different lol. As for our diver and reporter, I feel like Sigi would be interested in learning about or actually trying to do what Armas does. She's all about new experiences provided the person offering said experience doesn't irritate her. Edward's questions would probably either amuse or infuriate Sigrun, though she might actually answer some of them if he's persistent enough. Maybe. Plan to revise my post, which is in 'steaming pile of crud' mode right now, today and post it after editing one more time tomorrow.