[colour=DarkViolet][h1][center]Charoite[/center][/h1][/colour] The purple girl followed on behind Bloodstone, listening to what he had to say about her comment. He said there would be countless paths for her to choose from, and that he could help... He could teach her, but she'd have to pay? Pay what? She didn't have any coins on her... Maybe he'd take a favour? Or two? Oh well, that was in the future. She trailed along, falling back a slight bit when the buzzing of that Water one came back. Their voice was annoying, especially when it was inside her head. Scrunching her face up in disdain, she focused on rejecting that god awful sound. Who cared if it was important information, it was grating on her hearing. [center]~[/center] The group soon approached a gathering of people, who too looked to be "Gems" like Bloody and the others. She didn't step forward at all, or really listen in on the conversation. Instead, she hung back, letting everyone talk it out as they would; merely observing, if the state she was in could even be called that. It was more like she was in standby, waiting for something interesting to happen. Not even a reaction could be seen from the Gem. Not when Bloody called for them to step out, nor when the green Gem she had seen before fired a shot into the wall. Not even when Vert shot themself into the floor to escape. [center]~[/center] To Charoite, it was only a couple seconds she stood and waited for something to happen. Still half asleep, thinking of weird puffy white creatures, when Bloodstone stood and began to make his way away from the group. How much did she miss?! Something about a town... And Corrupted Gems, whatever they were. She quickly came back to her senses, running out of the shadow she was stood in to the rear of Chromite and Bloodstone. [colour=DarkViolet]"Wh-where are we g-going, Bloody?"[/colour] she said, in quite light and shaky voice. Her vocal cords still weren't working properly, it seemed. In any case, she chased off behind them, following every corner and path they took, [colour=DarkViolet]"Wh-what did you s-say a-about a price b-before? I-I dont have a-any... Things, s-so..."[/colour] [center][@Kronshi][@Spinna][@Anyone I Missed][/center]