Alya felt the runes as she stepped forward, but before she could react the ground beneath her erupted in flames. Her barrier thankfully absorbed it, however it forced Alya to stop her advance in order to not trigger any further runes. [color=89e9f0][I]'I just have to cast a counter-spell to defuse the rest of the runes. All I need is a bit of tim-'[/I][/color] Her thoughts were interrupted by a stream of fire blazing through the mist towards her position. Alya quickly raised her left hand and reinforced her barrier as the conflagration hit. Her magical ward glowed a bright blue as the flames were deflected to the side. She readied a spell when she felt Nevar's passing. [color=89e9f0]"Oh dear..."[/color] She mumbled as she hesitated for a moment. Before she could continue she heard Thadeus begin to speak. [color=89e9f0][I]'He [B]is[/B] insane. His ally just died and he celebrates!'[/I][/color] As Alya's unfinished spell fizzled in her hand she felt another runic spell being set by Travis, however this one was much larger.