[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/crAlBwD.png[/img] [color=9632cc][h3][i][u]~Eris~[/u][/i][/h3][/color] [/center] Three days have since the events that led to what would be known as the [i]'Ebony Strykers Civil War'[/i] as well as the White King's open declaration of war against the whole of Deep Ground. It suffices to say that this time has been a busy one for Eris. Not only she had to deal with her new in game allegiances and obligations but also, Eris had just recently joined Purple Crown's Fashion Club, to take some time away from Deep Ground, since the game was starting to become a serious chore for her these days. The few hours of school activities (mostly dedicated to clubs) that the Purple Crown students have on the Saturday morning had ended just a few minutes ago and so, Eris found herself walking silently through the nearly desert halls of the Purple Crown Academy, holding a sketchbook and a pencil box, as she made her way to the main gate. On the way there, Eris noticed a few posters spread through the academy's bulletin boards announcing the upcoming Purple Crown School Festival. [i][color=9632cc]"Hmm... I recall White Sun mentioning the festival. Apparently it'll be an offline inter Guild competition also, part of Corpse Collector's stolen goods will be at stake. I guess I'll need to take part on it as well, no matter how much I would like not to."[/color][/i] Eris sighed, at least she might be able to see if her couturier skills were as sharp as they used to be when she still lived on Germany. [i][color=9632cc]"I wonder if I will be able to use Cassandra as a model?"[/color][/i] [center][color=00aeef][h3][i][u]~Others~[/u][/i][/h3][/color] [/center] Somewhere else, within the same halls of the same academy, one Emma Fujioka made her way back to the Newspaper Club room, bringing with her, some refreshments that she had just bought. Emma got back into the club room and put the snacks aside, going back to work on the results of a survey about the eternal dispute between the two classics of school festivals, aptly titled: "Maids vs Monsters, which side are you on?" The rumors said that this year's festival would hold a special prize in the traditional Inter Guild competition. And the Ivory Masks were once more the ones leading the bets with their traditional maid café, [i]'La Soleil'[/i] that has been an established attraction on Purple Crown's school festivals for at least the past four years. Either way, Emma just propped herself over the table, once she was done with her article, wondering if someone else would show up on the club room before she had to go out? Yuuno, on the other hand, had skipped her work as Maribel's sub-secretary... or better, asked for a leave for a day, after she came to know what happened to Asahi a few days ago and was right now on her way to his room in the Hospital. Despite the fact that Yuuno was taken by surprise when Asahi's more violent tendencies we unleashed during the pizza parlor incident, with the posting of the days, Yuuno began to question herself if running away was the right solution. [color=0054a6][i]"Maybe, it was just a misunderstanding?[/i][/color] Yuuno thought a few times during the week. Finding out that Asahi had been shot was shocking for Yuuno, who found a way to go visit him on the first available time she had. [color=0054a6]"Go-Goroshi-kun, can I come in?"[/color] Yuuno asked meekly after knocking on the door once to assure herself that she wasn't going to bother anyone. While she waited for a reply, the bespectacled girl adjusted her posture and checked if the flowers she just bought were in good shape. After all, a 'Get Well' gift that looked worse than the patient is kind of useless, right? Itsuko, on the other end, was a permanent member of the Go Home club, had just did that and was now thinking on what to do for the rest of the day. [color=fff700]"Maybe I could go play with Hibiki, or log on Deep Ground? Wait, I know it, I can do both!"[/color] Itsuko said to herself before sending a voice message to Hibiki. [quote][color=fff700]"Hey, Hibiki! I'm sorry we couldn't play more on the other day. If you want to, we can meet up on Deep Ground and try to find something cool to do. You can drop by if you are free as well, if I'm not at home, I'll be at the food court. See ya later!"[/color][/quote] With that done, Itsuko threw her school bag over the couch, before remembering how Hibiki tidied the up the other day. Itsuko picked her bag and stored it on a proper place before changing into her gym clothes. [color=fff700]"At least I can do some light workout before login i-"[/color] However, a rumble of her stomach interrupted Itsuko, [color=fff700]"Perhaps I should eat something first."[/color] The blondie said before dressing a black and orange track suit over her gym clothes, before going to the Mall's food court, wondering what she would eat today? [hr] [@Caits], [@Lonewolf685], [@Bombardier], [@RoflsMazoy], [@Mega Birb], [@Jedly], [@Lord of Evil], [@Scarifar], [@Kimiyosis], [@Ryonara].