Vin watched as Eli’s potential PTSD turned into [i]actual[/i] PTSD when the poor bastard quickly raised his gun and aimed it toward the trees up along the hill behind the group, nowhere near any one of his initial targets. Vincent eventually caught himself staring at the trees hoping all the fuss Eli kicked up was worth it, but when it turned out to be nothing but a lone deer, Vin shook his head in disappointment and slight embarrassment to be in the same company. “Dude, you’re losing it.” He shot Eli a sour expression, but clearly the gunslinger wasn’t paying attention and addressing Christy and Nate before deciding to head off into the direction of town. “ the fuck, man?” Vincent’s voice echoed off the thick tree line. “You’re just leaving us here? And who the hell is our ‘benefactor’?” It was a futile attempt, as his angry, yet legitimate questions only fell on deaf ears while Eli simply kept walking, determined to stay his intended course of being an asshole. But why should he answer questions when clearly the guy doesn’t know what’s going on himself, and yet he delegates duties to everyone else like we’re in the military and the group has become his own private army of misfits and criminals. Vin’s attention snapped over to the old man as he took the opportunity to climb back into the car, signally his young companion to follow suit. Abi was more than happy to leave this place behind them, and even though curiosity got the better of her at times, this chain of chaotic events was not one of those. Even Brooks, who seemed a reasonable and mild-mannered fellow, didn’t like the situation and was more concerned with Abi’s protection and welfare than his own. “Guys, wait! You don’t-” Vin’s plead was quickly cut off by the roar of the old truck’s eight-cylinder engine, as Brooks shifted the gears into reverse and leaned out of the window. “I’m not going to apologize for doing the smart thing.” The old man hit the gas, and backed up a few feet before turning the wheel to correct the direction of the truck and shift back into [i]drive[/i], sticking his head out of the window for the last time. “I’d suggest you folks do the same, yeah?” His words trailed as the truck hauled ass down the dusty dirt road and out of sight. “Fuck! This!” Vin kicked at the ground, clenching his fist as though he was about to punch someone or something, but there was nothing within reach. He found himself pacing back and forth for a moment, before looking over at Christy, and then at Nate, who was about as unimpressed with the current situation. “So now what the fuck do we do?” He said, hoping there was a better plan for their survival, as he made his way toward the Nate and the mine shaft entrance. “And where is Jennifer?...”