[color=aba000]"Shallow, hmm...?"[/color]Thadeus raised an eyebrow as if seriously pondering this suggestion, then he shook his head abruptly, halfheartedly dismissing that notion. [color=aba000]"It is as you said,"[/color] Thadeus's smile widened, [color=aba000]"I saw you drain Nevar's mana. I'd heard legends through word of mouth about your ability, but I had dismissed them as urban myths. Xero the Devourer!? HAHAHA!"[/color] He cocked his head back releasing a brief guffaw, but then returned his gaze back to Nemo. His eyes narrowed, and almost looked serious, if not for that wide smile still on his face. [color=aba000]"But it seems I was too quick to dismiss these tales. And your power, in tandem with your quick thinking tactics. OH~"[/color] Thadeus rubbed his body erotically for a moment as he moaned, [color=aba000]"TRULY THE LORD HAS BLESSED ME WITH A CHALLENGE! YEEESSSSSS~ I WILL BE THE ONE TO RAZE YOU TO THE GROUND!"[/color] He raised his voice while also releasing his aura.