[color=cyan][h2]Leith Calder[/h2][/color] [color=cyan]"I'm sorry to say, but a Nox filled town of death and doom doesn't sit well with me,"[/color] Leith said, finally finding his voice. His face more red than white from the scene he just witnessed. [color=cyan]"Maybe it has something to do with all the death and doom."[/color] He chuckled awkwardly. He listened to Mar and spoke up when she finished. [color=cyan]"If it makes you worry any less, I am going on the Djarkel mission. It's going to be nice to go on a diplomatic mission."[/color] He looked at the both of them. [color=cyan]"And as to why I'm here. Can't I drop by for a chat?"[/color] [hr] [color=#C19A6B][h2]Darius Jura[/h2][/color] Darius paced back and forth in his room. He had already ate breakfast and was now packed up to go on the mission to Yarosmere. Ever since he had heard from the diplomat what had become of Yarosmere, Darius had been wanting to go see what was going wrong in his homeland. And from what he had heard, that meant everything. Pacing around wouldn't do anything, so Darius grabbed his sword and left his room. He made his way to one of the outer courtyards that was deserted, not an easy task, and started setting up. First he channeled his magic and blew the snow into the walls and corners. With that done he set about figuring out how to use his magic to make his blade much more sharper, and how to use it for combat.