The hot rod sputtered mightily as it shot down the street, all chrome and jet black save for the velvet red leather of the open seats and the lightning bolts meticulously painted on the hood. He drove with the top down, letting the air blow against his skin. He had to drive with the top down. It was the only way for him to fit into the car. The city loomed over him like some ancient castle. A castle of adventure, complete with its own princess! Well, not a real one. He'd have to head to Europe to strike that one from his bucket list, but superhero team up was only like three down under rescuing a princess. He hadn't actually met many superheros, the towns his trip took him through were mostly too small to warrant them. He'd been in a cafe in what such small town when he'd heard, wandering over to one of the only tables that hadn't cleared out when he'd walked into the room and staring over the heads of the nervous couple that had been watching the video on their phone. After checking a mad to see that Chicago wasn't that far off he'd sped quickly away to answer the distress call. He didn't know who she was or whether she was a big deal or not, but she wanted his help and he was a friend of justice. Driving into the city he realized that he didn't know what to do once he got there. He had no idea how to find this lady or what exactly her trouble was. He saw a few people out somewhere and slowed down, shouting "Hey, you. You know where that superhero lives? You know the one, yours? She have a cave or something? I saw this video and..." The people's only response was to look over then start walking much faster. "Nah, you're right. It's more of an adventure if I find her myself. Thanks!" With that he set off down the road again, calling into the air. "HEY LADY! SUPER LADY! I'M HERE! COME OUT COME OUT WHEREVER YOU ARE! OIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!"