[@derseknight] [@Aspen Wren] [h2][center][color=lightcoral]Ronnie[/color][/center][/h2] She could only sneer as she felt eyes on her after her little remark. Ronnie was a grown woman; she wasn't going to apologize for her actions, nor was she going to hold her tongue. So what if other people took offense to her statements? Wasn't in her nature to be polite. Just because somebody finally realized her importance in the world, didn't mean that she was going to change who she was. And of course her darling brother would have to strike up a conversation with the teacher's pet. Ronnie could barely contain a gag at the very idea of the two of them together. It was just like her brother to swoop in and smooth everything over. Right his sister's wrongs, if you would. He had been doing that their entire lives. It was starting to become quite pathetic. She didn't need her brother to reprimand her, nor to apologize for her. Maybe this would finally be the time that they could start to live apart from one another. It would begin with the room arrangements. As Ronnie made her way up to the sheet, she scrunched her nose in disgust. [color=lightcoral]"Seriously? You put me with a guy? Guys are horrible to live with."[/color] It did meet her approval that her brother was far enough away from her, though. With another shake of her head, she ran a hand through her brown locks. [color=lightcoral]"Well. Looks like brother dearest gets to hang around the special student. Now...Who's this Allan person?"[/color] Feeling a nudge on the back of her knee, she rose a brow and looked down to see both heads staring up at her. With a smirk, she shrugged her shoulders. [color=lightcoral]"Let's go meet the person who will make me absolutely miserable during our stay here, shall we?"[/color] With a small double snicker from the dragon, she headed off to her room. On arrival, her eyes moved about the apartment. Her eyes landed on her room and she let out a sigh once she noticed all her luggage. Hurrying over, she could hear the stomps from her new pet. [color=lightcoral]"Well, boys. Looks like it's just me and you for the moment. We'll meet this Allan guy later, I suppose. For now, it's nap time."[/color] Falling backwards onto her bed, she watched as her dragon laid at the side of her headboard. With a grin, her eyes drifted closed. [hr] [h2][center][color=gray]Vince[/color][/center][/h2] Vince barely had time to speak with the blonde before she hurried off to the sheet. It was endearing to him that she was french. It was a beautiful country and one of the many languages he happened to be fluent in. With a small grin, he watched her hurry off as he scratched at the back of Lotan's neck. Seeing her head into the elevator, it was as if he was completely captivated. Then again, seeing the man whom she shared the ride with kind of set him back a pace. Definitely some stiff competition. With a shake of his head, he made his way over the sheet after seeing his sister stomp off. Apparently she wasn't too thrilled with her room mate. The thought made him chuckle, knowing that whomever was stuck with her was definitely in for one hell of a time. Looking the sheet over, he raised a brow. [color=gray]"Alright, Lotan...We are in Apartment 350 with some guy named Nate. Was he one of the brothers?"[/color] The dragon tilted his head in confusion and Vince swore he saw the animal's shoulders shrug. With a grin, he shrugged as well. [color=gray]"Well. How nice of the either of us to pay attention."[/color] He chuckled and shook his head. [color=gray]"Might as well go up to the room. See if any of my luggage is here so I can get out of these wet pants."[/color] The duo caught the next elevator and were soon on to their new living quarters. His eyes caught sight of blonde hair as he turned to his room. Apparently they weren't that far apart from each other. He gave a small grin at the thought before heading into his room. Seeing that his room mate had already arrived, Vince cleared his throat and gave a swift nod of his head. [color=gray]"Hey. You must be Nate. I'm Vince, and this here is Lotan."[/color]