It was with some surprise that Maeve found herself quickly and terrifyingly on the opposite side of the airstrip. She had intended to run only a few steps out of the way and found herself catapulted across the land in a rush of speed completely unknown to the Succubus. She gasped as she came to a stop and looked about in complete and utter confusion. How in the world had she gotten so far so fast?! Rattling her brain Maeve came up with the answer with a grimace. Jackson had touched her in the plane. Maeve was so used to be groped and caressed (though admittedly not by the boy) that she hadn’t thought much of it. But now it made sense. He must have given her the speed of Friction. Which stood to reckon Friction had the attraction of Maeve… Which could be pretty dangerous if you didn’t know how to tone it down. The thoughts flashed through her mind quickly before the clamor of the present brought her back. Whipping about Maeve saw the group was under fire, confusion gripping the Succubus all the more. Where was it coming from?! Why was someone shooting at them? Carefully she took up a jog to return but the shots stopped as quickly as they had come. This made no sense! But it didn’t matter, she needed to return. Tentatively Maeve sped up and sooner than she thought possible she was back with the group and watching as Tinhead Ned took one in the chest. The Succubus laughed in delight and looked about at where the shot might have come from. Guessing that that Celtic Sniper was out there she waved in a friendly manner vaguely to the distance the shot had come from. Where was Friction? Maeve needed to warn her about her unbelievably awesome powers of seduction before the blonde hurt someone. [@Iktomi][@TheHangedMan][@RumikoOhara][@Polyphemus][@DFTBA]