[h1][color=yellow][center]Beauty[/center][/color][center]& her [color=tan]Beast[/color][/center][/h1] [center][img]http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mcordmVuAj1rne5uo.gif[/img] [img]http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_llw0grwRvQ1qclvq3.gif[/img][/center] [hr][center][i]Beauty's Apartment -) Madam Fae's Bar & Diner[/i][/center][hr][hr] [color=yellow]"What in the ever loving hell![/color] Rubbing the top of her head, she groaned as she looked over at what had hit her. It was the damn alarm clock that continued to ruin her much needed sleep. With a roll of her eyes, she sat up and took a breath as she surveyed the damage in her room. The earthquakes were really starting to piss her off. Shaking her head, the young woman slid out of her bed and went into her adjoining bathroom. Flipping the switch, she swore under her breath when the power failed to come on. [color=yellow]"You have seriously got to be screwing with me right now. Beast! I need a flashlight!"[/color] Heaving a sigh from the couch, Adam rose to his feet. He took a step only to ram his toe into one of the many fallen books. With a silent curse, he clenched his hand into a fist before gingerly making his way into the kitchen. Reaching out towards the kitchen light switch, he growled under his throat at the lack of response. [color=tan]"Just perfect. Gonna hear about this all day from her."[/color] Shaking his head, he felt around for the closest kitchen drawer handle. As soon as he found it, he pulled it open and grabbed for the flashlight. He pushed the power button and surveyed the area. Everything that had been on top of the counters was now on the floor, shattered or thrown apart. He would be cleaning for a good chunk of the day. Adam soon made his way into Beauty's room. [color=tan]"You alright?"[/color] [color=yellow]"Of course I'm not alright!"[/color] With a scoff, Beauty reached out and grabbed the flashlight from his hands. She turned and grabbed some clothes from her dresser before changing. [color=yellow]"There's no point waiting this thing out. Who knows how long this godforsaken town will take to turn the electricity back on. I need coffee."[/color] Adam nodded slightly as he turned away from her. He knew she didn't mind changing in front of him, yet he wanted to be respectable. Sure, they were presumably married back in their hometown, but since being on Earth, they were definitely anything but the happy couple. Folding his arms across his chest, he walked over to his own dresser and grabbed a black tee shirt and jean shorts. [color=tan]"I'll drive you. Wouldn't want you to hit someone."[/color] The girl was a horrible driver who didn't care in the slightest what she destroyed. Blamed it on her lack of knowledge. Yet he knew she was one of the most intelligent people around, thanks to her love of books. Hearing his phone, he stumbled back into the living room as he pulled his clothes on. He made it to the device just in time to see a missed call from Lucy. [color=tan]"Lucy tried calling. Maybe something happened."[/color] Beauty rolled her eyes as she propped the flashlight on the bathroom counter. [color=yellow]"Gee, I don't know, Beast. Why don't you try listening to your voicemail? I'm sure the paranoid twit left you one."[/color] She had no respect for the woman in the slightest. The girl was constantly butting into everyone else's business and making them all try to be united in their shared crap hole. Hearing her own phone, she gave a small laugh. [color=yellow]"The little gnat is rather persistent today. Maybe she wants to have another one of her meetings."[/color] Sliding on a slinky yellow dress, she put her hair back in a high ponytail before applying some lipstick. Sure, it was before dawn. Wasn't an excuse to not look her best. She grabbed her phone, slipped on some black wedges, and grabbed the flashlight before heading out into the living room. Seeing the mess, she scrunched her nose before noticing Adam on the phone. [color=yellow]"Well?"[/color] After listening to the voicemail, he sighed before sliding the phone into his back pocket. [color=tan]"Dorothy's gone missing. Meeting at four."[/color] He grabbed the car keys before leading her out to the car. Quirking a brow at the news, she scoffed and followed him out. She slid into the passenger seat once the doors were unlocked. [color=yellow]"Of course it was her. Girl trusts everything that comes in contact with her. Seems to me like they're picking off the most pathetic ones."[/color] He shook his head and got into the driver's seat. Wasn't long before they arrived at the diner. Parking the car, he headed to the door and held it open for his wife. Now was the time to keep her composure. Taking a breath, she stepped out and nodded in appreciation to Beast as she walked into the diner. Beauty gave a small nod in greeting to everyone she saw before making her way over to an empty booth. Adam barely was able to contain an eye roll at her attitude switch. Five years of watching her manipulate people was really starting to get under his skin. As he walked inside, he nodded in greeting to Jessamine and Sherlock before sitting across from Beauty.