((Assuming I have been accepted)) Haruka packed a large water bottle into her backpack, as the final phase of her preparation. With her preparation finished, she knocked on her brother's room's door to talk with him for a bit, without the intent to bother him in any way. She swiftly entered the room out of excitement, and gave a smile to her brother before speaking, "Hey hey, Yuuji! I'm ready to go, what about you?" The brother smiled back as he packed his Gunpla into a box to prevent it from breaking apart during transportation, before packing the said box into a backpack, which has several stickers indicating he joined several tournaments, unlike his sister's bag which simply has no stickers for a clean look. After closing his backpack to make a final preparation, the boy replied, "Yeah, just a final preparation and I'm ready to go." Haruka smiled again to make an excited reply to her brother, "Of course, I thought so! Both as my rival and my brother!" The brother lightly held his sister's hand for a handshake, "That's my sister! I'll be waiting for you at the finals - or something!" "Of course! I'm the one to win!" "No, I am!" Both of the siblings laughed as the girl held the boy's hand back, before making a handshake. Then, the boy left the room and headed into the kitchen to prepare his water bottle, while the girl went straight into the doorway, changing into her shoes to wait for her brother at the bus stop close to her house, as the two intended to use the bus to go to a train station, using trains to head to the closest station to the arena, before getting off for a walk to it. Haruka had to wait for some minutes before her brother arrived, just like it used to be. Haruka always arrives at places earlier than Yuuji when it is possible to do so. Seeing her brother's face again, she smiled a bit as she "scolded" her brother, "You're late, Yuuji~. You'll be late for the tournament at this pace!" "Haha, that's right Haruka. I should be acting quicker than I used to be." The siblings joked at each other while waiting for the bus to come, which happened earlier than they wanted because time passes quickly, "Come on Yuuji, the bus came! Let's continue this after the ride, shall we?" "Of course!" The two continued talking inside the bus, adjusting their volume of voices for politeness. They soon reached the station where they changed to a train, continuing onto another station where they changed trains, then into the station closest to the arena, from where the siblings began walking to the gate of the arena to meet the other competitors - which will be their rivals at the tournament, and hopefully a good friend before and the actual combat.