Hilde crawled backwards away from the door to the great hall, scrambling over corpses and pumping into the few living knights in a mindless compulsion to get away from the door. The momentary flash of exaltation she had felt when the chieftain died a distant and bitter memory. Isolde was beside her pale faced and shaking, her mouth seemed to work over a word she couldn’t quite speak. With a crash like mountain screaming the stone wall of the great hall exploded inwards in a cloud of lethal stone and choking dust. The sound of snapping bones and squashing flesh was like a rain of apples. Hilde couldn’t breath for the dust in the air. She kept scrambling back untill she bumped into something she assumed was the back wall of the room. She turned and saw the pale faced scribe trying to lug a heavy chest towards a side door. Following his eyes she realised that it was a stairwell that went down into the earth. “Cedric!” she shouted, her voice hardly audible over the screaming chaos. There might be a way out of this yet. Isolde stumbled forward through the carnage. Her whole body burned from the magic she had expended, it was far beyond anything she had ever attempted, gold flecks danced in her eyes. She found herself infront of Cedric and she grabbed the big man by the shoulder. “We have to get out of here,” she screamed. “It will kill everyone it finds in this place!” [@POOHEAD189]