[hider]Appearance: [hider][img]http://img15.deviantart.net/88c2/i/2011/132/0/8/miyamoto_musashi_by_electrixocket-d3g5f1j.jpg[/img][/hider] Name/Age(18+)/Gender: Lothar Wolff/20 Years Old/Male Role: The Cavalier Armor: [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/13/a9/a0/13a9a083fb8c0b7da1f1c23e1b25b180.jpg[/img] Weapon: A stiletto that bares his family's crest. Guild status: He's a current member that joined a little over a year ago. For the most part, he's been dealing with a lot of support tasks for the guild (IE. Meeting with communities leaders, representing the guild, and just trying to present a friendly face on behalf of the guild) since he has quite a bit of training and skill in that area. However, when needed, he does go out on missions to help subdue larger monsters. Stats! Health: 12 Strength:11 (Determines how strong your character is) Charisma: 14 (determines how well your character can barter and deal with the world socially, also influences how NPCs view your character a bit) Intelligence: 12 (determines your characters wit) Agility: 11 (how quick and nimble your character is) Personality: Lothar is a guy who holds himself and others to a high standard. In fact, he expects everyone to do their best and accomplish things efficiently; however, since it's unreasonable to constantly hold people to these standards, so he learned after all these years, those who do meet his expectations are granted his trust. So, in order to get on his good side, it's rather straightforward, but getting there is another story. Otherwise, he is someone who has a strong sense of duty and ethics. Everything that he does has some sort of reason behind it, and it is strange for him to not do anything for no particular reason. It would be reasonable to consider him a to be a driven individual, but it's just that he thinks in terms of steps that have to be taken for his goals to be accomplished. In general, he is a polite and formal man who does his best to avoid causing trouble or enemies. However, there are those few who are simply malevolent in his eyes. Those few people that he considers his enemies should worry as he is a vengeful being. That said, there are some interesting and unexpected quirks that he has. One of the most notable is that he is rather awkward around females around his age. Older women? Not a problem as he treats elders repectfully. "Would you like me to help you with those bags, Ma'am?". Younger girls? They remind him of how he used to wish he had a cute younger sister. "Miss, you shouldn't be out in the forest by yourself at night. It's dangerous." There are a few others, but it's better to see them naturally than to spoil them all in some vague description. Bio: Lothar is the first son in a family of wealthy merchants. While not of a particularly influential background, the last few generations of the Wolff family had turned a small business into a sprawling company that has garnered much respect in Senefer. Originally, his family plan was to have Lothar join the military and rise through the ranks in order to help bring more political clout for the family as it strives to even higher places and eventually titles. Thus, Lothar was raised and educated as if he were a rising lord. He was taught on matters of economics, military tactics, courtly manners, and etc. Lothar understood the importance of his role for the family. However, he occasionally did have stray thoughts of regret. He did not hate the expectations of his family, but everything that he did was for the family. Nothing was through his own initiative. Still, he followed through with his family's plan. When he was of age, he would be sent to join the military as an officer as his family had bought him a commission. From there, he would meritoriously serve her Majesty and gain influence and relations that would help the family. Thus, when he was finally old enough, Lothar was shipped off. However, soon after, his Guardian Beast appeared. That's when his family's plans were derailed, but not completely in a bad way. Now, Lothar had the chance to join the Order. However, there was little that his family could do for him in his journeys. For once, he could make his own path. Thus, he went off to Degar, eager to embrace this new opportunity. Thankfully, Lothar isn't an only child. Rather, he does have one sibling, an older sister, who has a very sharp business acumen. Thus, while he is away, the Wolff family isn't too troubled, but that's a story for another day. [/hider]