Okay, so. I've been rewatching old MST3K and I came across the mole people/hollow earth episode (the one where Mike does the failed "down and down and down" professor joke). Don't worry if you don't remember that one, the movie is so boring that even the bots have trouble bringing life to it. More on this later. My writing has been pretty lackluster lately, and I decided to bring back a little exercise I picked up in a high school creative writing club. Basically, you start with the most ridiculous and even the stupidest idea possible, and you try to make it work. I remember it being a lot of fun back in high school, and I thought it could be fun for a role play! That's where the mole people come in; the idea I want to go off is the hollow earth. In this RP, the earth is hollow (or at least it seems that way) and there are openings near the poles in Canada. During the early 19th century, explorers found these openings while searching for the northwest passage, and inside they found an ancient and thriving society of mole people. I'll post more about the premise later; I have it written down in a notebook and I need to copy it down which will take forever (ugh). I know, it's a far cry from the original theory and farther still from the painfully bad film, but that's part of the idea! Suggestions are very much encouraged! This will be a lot of fun; who's with me?