[color=fff200]"Look Haas I've heard what everyone has said here and while I can see the points of the counter-arguments I still got your back. I want to trust security but sometimes the best way to confront a bully is to prove he isn't as big as he thinks. If we can find proof on Dark Dorm, or we duel them into submission than maybe they'll back off a little. We just can't do anything reckless. I got your back for what it's worth but even I'm not capable of holding up the world."[/color] Ben said firmly as he threw his hat into the ring more definitively. However as Angelo spoke up he groaned silently he was going too far ahead of himself. He turned his head over to his good friend and shook his head. [color=fff200]"Whoa there jack rabbit where are you going to go in wind dorm in such a hurry? My team is there if they see anything they'll report it too me I'm sure. Until then let's see what Haas has to say. I want to have faith in her that she put some sort of plan together. We can't just go in blind without thinking everything over first."[/color] Ben said gently as he stood firmly on the ground. ==== [color=ed1c24]"God damn idiots playing HERO. They should leave that to Avian and Sparkman. They'll end up like a freaking bubble man if they don't look over their shoulder."[/color] grumbled Andre as he took out a packet of homework he had and started to look it over. Calling him a teacher's pet wouldn't be wrong in the traditional sense but he really couldn't give less of a crap about what they thought about him unless he needed them as a reference. His plan was to secure his future, why anyone in this school wouldn't think about that was beyond him. He needed too finish what he could in order too get better grades. Memorizing materials was the quickest way too get better. Even the dumb stuff people typically screwed up on. Andre had his deck at his side too just in case someone got a bad idea on who they wanted to pick on. Andre wasn't afraid of trash, he never would be. Besides he was walking fast a quick corner turn and he'd be shouting distance away from Light Dorm. [color=ed1c24]"Level 5 synchro monster worth it's boots? Scar Warrior, and Ally of Justice Castator. Level 6....hmmm maybe goyo guardian? he's pretty solid..."[/color]