"You say I won't stand in your way... But what if it is your own kingdom that is your own hindrance?" Cassius directly challenged her way of thinking. "You look at me as if I am a thug, your nose so high, eyes so low, yet you look not what is in front of you, that being which a threat to you, if you die, how can you protect anyone? Or anything? Simple... You'd be incapable..." Cassius shook his head as he chuckled. There wasn't quite any form of smugness to Cassius, but there was an unrivaled confidence. He only needed his Blunderbuss... and with that Blunderbuss, he shot the core of the exposed bomb, freezing around it. The shell molting as it went hollow on the inside, gems breaking apart to salvage. He felt his weapon channeling as the ship began to get away from the grounds, soon out of reach of Knights, out of danger. The only real danger was the hull breaches to the ship. "If you jump now, you can fetch new orders, if you stay, you can defend her and learn the truth you lack." Cassius practically looked down into her eyes. The Eye-slits seemed darkened; there was a type of eyegear there she could not quite make out. He merely waved her to go inside. One thing was clear. If he wanted her dead, he would have made an example of her... Even if not, there was many that stood in his general side. "Let me warn you. I am with Regent Cid of Lindblum. You'd best put your sword away. Sure... You could stab me... But you'd be shot in the leg, I could stab a syringe in your eyes... I can go on to the many ways I could hinder you... and how..." He placed his gun to her neck area. "You're starting to piss me off." She could feel a cold chill from the barrel. "Karn, I am not your commanding officer, But I ask you confiscate her weapons and hand them to Wylde... Even she is smart enough to know a direct attack won't end well for even her... Again... No Fatalities..." Cassius held ready for anything... Should she comply, she'd see the Princess sooner than later. He waved his left arm for Hitori, Ritsu and Itzel to gather the remains of the now decommissioned bomb... Poor Parrin never got a chance to hit it. He could at least make dissection easy for Alchemy. Minerva had quite a few things to consider. Even if she did strike him, he was right about one thing. He could hinder her progress easily, and have her overwhelmed. If he wanted to fire, he would. He did not need a reason not to, yet he was kindly enough to not pull the trigger. Regent Cid being involved also did raise a few brows. Yet, there was still a peaceful solution to this all. If he did want a messy one, he'd initiate combat. But she could also infer he has a lack of weapons skill, but not so in magic seeing as his race can channel it easily. But one things was definite. Should she choose to fight, her journey could possibly end. "I'm offering you a chance to see her. If you comply, you can even talk to her. Do we have a deal, Madam Knight?"