[color=82ca9d][right][h3][i] Day 5 [color=6ecff6]}}}[/color] A song that has new meaning every time you hear it.[/i][/h3][/right] [/color] [hr] [center][hider=Under Grey Skies (Instrumental) - Kamelot][[youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ck6m6LTnbYY[/youtube][/hider][/center] As Fabricant pointed out, most songs are pretty easy to figure out the meaning of. Picking out lyrics and analyzing them for emotion and depth is one of my favorite things to do with music. For me it is always more about the poetry in the words rather than the beat itself when I am trying to find meaning in a song. That being said, Kamelot has fantastically poetic instrumentals. In fact, on their latest album ' Haven' they included an entire second CD with all of their tracks sans vocals (or with [i]very few[/i] vocals). Under Grey Skies definitely falls under the category for day 5, as it is packed full of emotion and, depending on how you are feeling that day, it's meaning can change. I think...