[centre][h3][color=f6989d]Cassandra[/color][/h3] [img]http://i.imgur.com/RPO6P8A.png[/img] Interacting with [/centre] Cassandra spent the first few hours of saturday in her dorm room, catching up on school work. She had fallen a little bit behind, but wasn't particularly worried. she had good grades and she knew she could catch up. It was however rather frustrating to be spending a weekend day inside, but knew it would be better to get it out the way now, then to wait. She wasn't particularly worried about the festival, nor was she worried about what was going on in deep ground online. Whatever happened would happen. Finally, Cassie leaned back, finished. Satisified, she stood, stretching, she loosened the muscles that had tensed while she was leaning over her desk. She then proceeded to get ready, showering and dressing, to face the day, outside. She tied her hair back into a pony tail, and tidied up her desk, feeling like she had accomplished something. Cassandra hadn't yet joined any clubs, but she was thinking of joining one soon. Today however, that wasn't on her mind. Leaving the dorm rooms, Cassie slipped her keys in a pocket, and headed outside.