[color=82ca9d][right][h3][i] Day 6 [color=6ecff6]}}}[/color] A song that you can always related to.[/i][/h3][/right] [/color] [hr] [center][hider=X-Amount of Words - Blue October][[youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idjFt16v_dQ[/youtube][/hider][/center] Blue October is my all-time favorite band, I could probably do this entire challenge using only songs from them... but I decided variety is best (expect to see more from them in the future, though). The reason I like them so much is because their music is always relatable. Justin is an incrediblly passionate individual, and the way he crafts his words into songs blows me away. You listen to his songs and you feel them, deep down to your bones you [i]feel them[/i]... at least I do. As somebody who grew up struggling with my mother's mental illness and eventually my own, 'X-Amount Of Words' hits like a truck in terms of relatability. There is not a single line of lyric that can't be applied my own experience in some way. You might think that this song would make me feel upset, but it doesn't... it's a fucking anthem of survival. [i][center]"Now deleted and defeated I will stand on my own"[/center][/i] Amen, Justin. A-fucking-men.