"Can't hit me," laughed Overload, messing around with another Nazi battalion, that was sent to subjugate a street in DC. Most of the civilians had evacuated from the area - yet the old, young and weak, had been left behind; because they couldn't flee. As thus, the occupiers, decided to be extra cruel and simply kill them all, instead of rounding up into some concentration or occupation camp. No, instead they decided to kick the American dog more - while Alexis was a businesswoman, she wasn't that cutthroat. Namely, she didn't kill women and children out of spite or hatred - if the world of economics, had taught her anything. That racial discrimination was the worst thing one could do to themselves. But back to her current predicament - she had namely ten tanks and a good amount of soldiers after her. And she wasn't about to rate her suit' strength against a million bullets. Namely, she was merely distraction - helping the American Resistance, or what was left of the United States Army - after the initial cluster-fuck and total collapse of their entire front. They were evacuating anybody still left in the vicinity - while Lexi kept the Nazi' army busy. And it was easy to deal with them, for the moment. Seeing as they were easy picking for her, suit' weaponry. She kept ducking between, their forces - eliminating one soldier or the other, while then ducking under a tank and letting friendly fire, finish the rest. After a well nasty timed shot - that left two of their own tanks in flames, after five of them fired at her position - she then decided to go on offense herself. She activated her wrist-mounted blades at that, then used her suits thrusters, to dive between the soldiers - slicing and cutting them. Keeping on the move, and not letting them get a lock on her position. Dropping mini-mines, mini-missiles and a torrent of fire from her wrist loaded minigun along the way. It worked well for her, until somebody screamed in German or Austrian - she never took to learning the Germanic languages. That ended with the remaining tanks, switching from their main guns to their secondary ones. As a hail of bullets and fire, soon engulfed the mass, that Lexi was playing around in. Were the Nazi' cut-throat, enough to turn their guns on their own men. It cut down their own numbers, but also left Lexi out in the open - as her suit pinged, several bullets of its shell. Lexi taking the opportunity to retreat behind a burning tank - not wanting her suit to take anymore damage. "Zurrender, American! We have you zurrounded!" spoke a heavily-accented voice, over an intercom. With five tank barrels and one hundred gun-barrels pointed at her location. With the surrounding rubble also - she could only fly up or back and the Nazi' would have clear line of fire at her. 'Shit,' panted Lexi, switching her AC upto 150% power. It was getting rather hot in her suit - she ran a quick diagnostic, while the Nazi got their bearings back. [i]89% Durability 44% Ammunition 75% Energy Minor Penetration: Plating 22, 25, 72 Evaluation: 74% Combat Threshold, Direct Confrotation Unadviced[/i] "VI. Make note of reinforcing, torso and limb plating," groaned Lexi, reloading her weaponry, before taking a look behind her. She was contemplating another daring plan, until she got a ping on her communicator. 'Civilians Secured. Commence Bombardment? Y/N?' "Fucking yes," clicked Lexi on yes, diverting power to her thrusters. And then sped low and on the ground away, her combatants firing at her - as she made her escape. Soon enough, another sound - joined the fighting in DC. Namely that of rocket artillery - her father had been meant to sell some rather, nasty equipment to some rather nasty customers. Likely half or a quarter of that, went to help power the Nazi warmachine - but when she joined the war against the Axis - she gave anything and everything from her company over to the United States Army. While not much remained in DC to use - there were several rocket artillery pieces, hidden deep below the LTCorp HQ. And if she knew her history, there was one mean thing - that the Nazi' feared, beside her own grandfather. As she sped away, she soon felt and heard - the sound of rockets impacting her last position. Turning anybody left there into mincemeat - likely the last support, she would get for some time. As no doubt, the US Army would retreat from their positions - before any superhuman showed up to tear them and their lil' military machines into pieces. As thus, Lexi kept flying through the warzone of DC - looking for anybody to help. Soon, following after the sound of blasting and more fire explosions nearby to her.