[hr] [h1] [color=ed1c24] Amelia Rashfree[/color] and [color=7bcdc8] Ronin Tanzini[/color][/h1] [hr] [h2] Collab with [@iHxzardx] [/h2] [hr] Amelia was sitting on the grass near the edge of the carnival, She was very quiet right now and she seemed to be crying because of her father getting out of jail. She was petrified about it and you could see that simply by the way she was shaking as she cried. She was sitting with her legs crossed and her head in her hands, the carnival was over but she was petrified to leave because of her father. Her father scared her greatly and you wouldn't know that as no one knew the truth before she had told Kas about some of it but not all of it as no one really knows much about her father from her because she doesn't talk about him much and she doesn't remember him that well until her mother told her why he had got arrested and then memories came flooding back about it and it petrified her terribly, but she never let it show that she was scared, but now as she was shaking in fear and in her tears as she sat there and cried. Ronin had just gotten done filtering through the crowd and was headed to the secluded gate that was the fastest route home, He was quiet like usual and his songs just happened to be in the middle of changing songs when he heard a soft sob. It startled him and he almost jumped or flinched at the noise. Ronin paused his music as he looked around for the origin of the noise. Not far away Amelia was sitting on the groud all by herself, crying. He decided to have a seat with her and see what the problem was.[color=7bcdc8] "Hey you,"[/color] He said as he took a seat [color=7bcdc8]"What makes such a strong face like yours cry?"[/color] Amelia looked up at him quietly, her eyes clouded with tears and they were red and puffy. You could see the fear in her eyes. "I may be strong but when the person that caused everything that happened me returns today, I am scared that he will be there, scared he will come back and drag me into it like he tried to do 7 years ago, he wants me to be just like him but I don't want to be, he scares me, everything that happened was his fault all his fault" her tears got worse as she sobbed quietly and her tears rolled down her cheeks faster. "I can't help crying it was all his fault" She mumbled, crying badly. She was looking up at him quietly and she tried to put on a fake smile through the tears but she couldn't. [color=7bcdc8]"I know, what he has done to you and your life is unexcuseable, I totally understand where you are coming from."[/color] Ronin looked down at her and put an arm around her shoulders. [color=7bcdc8]"Do you have a change of clothes for tomorrow? You can always stay in one of the empty bedrooms in the house like you used to, you know that. I will have Ashley tend to you personally. You know she loves it when you come over."[/color] Ronin gave her a look of concern. He wanted so badly to help her like he had done so many times when they were younger but he felt powerless this situation. [color=7bcdc8]"I know it is a very touchy subject, however, Do you mind tellig me what exactly put him in jail? Or do you still not know?"[/color] Amelia nodded quietly. "I would love to stay over and it is hard but he was a theif and a drug dealer, he was also an addict so he got arrested for that, I got told just before I came back and now I remember what exactly happened" She mumbled quietly. She let a small smile there. "Thank you for helping out when I need it, you are an amazing friend and you have been there through all of it and you have helped out the whole time so thank you for everything you have done for me through everything that has happened since my father got arrested. My mother became a drunk and I had to do it all so thank you" She smiled brightly to him, tears slowing down quietly and looking up at him. [color=7bcdc8]"Of course, Its my pleasure. Now about tonight we will need to get you a change of clothes some how, shopping?"[/color] he suggested. Ronin had more money than he knew what to do with even with his investments in companies and such. He simply wanted to help a friend out and the store was right on the path back home. It wouldn't be the first time Ronin had bought Amelia an outfit and most likely wouldn't be the last because of how much enjoyment it brought him to watch her siff through clothing racks then ask his opinion about every single piece of everything. It also wouldn't be the first time she had stayed at one of the spare rooms in the Tanzini Manor, She used to come and go freely becuase her work was closer to his house than it was to hers. Ever since her mom started pitching in, she came less but Ronin was fine with that, he only wanted to help and he had played his part. Now that she was coming back he was rather excited and messaged one of the maids named Ashley, the youngest one that usually cared for Amelia when she came around, telling her to prepare Amelia's favorite dinner and to make the bed in the spare room. Ronin then got up shoving the phone in his pocket and let his earbuds dangle out of the collar of his hoodie, He reached down to pull Amelia to her feet and they started to walk. "I do need clothes for tommorow so yes" She just smiled and took his hand and stood up and gave him a gentle smile and walked with him. She loved staying over at his but only ever did when she needed to and would never ask when she just wanted to because she didn't know how to ask him if she could stay for no reason. He had offered today and she had accepted it but this was different as she needed help. She walked with him and she was smiling brightly. "Wanna hear the news from the summer" she asked him while smiling brightly at him as she seemed really cheerful today after he had helped her. She knew she would have to face her father tommorow but she didn't want to think about it. [color=7bcdc8]"Absolutely! We have a lot of catching up to do."[/color] Amelia always made him smile, their low-key relationship always pulled through at the right moments. They walked and talked all the way to one of the smaller outlets in the town to look around for an outfit for tomorrow, Ronin seemed to wander aimlessly while Amelia searched furiously and relentlessly through all the racks in the store. She called his attention every once in a while to consult him on the colors or style. He thought they all looked decent but she always sighed and put them back, at the end she had a pile of clothes to try on and she headed for the changing rooms. He sat outside and waited, he heard shuffling and hangers clanking then the door clicked open and she stepped out in a red t-shirt with a white rose on it, a white skirt and red sneakers, Ronin nodded simply then she let out a huff and went back in, a little while later she opened the door to reveal a white strapless top with a red rose on it, a pitch black skirt and white sneakers. [color=7bcdc8]"That looks nice." [/color] He says calmly, She just looked at him for a moment, then said "Forget it." She came back out with she wore in and grabbed the first outfit and handed it to Ronin. "Thats it~" she said. Ronin took it to the front desk and paid then grabbed the bag as he turned to walk out the door. Ronin put the bag over his shoulder so that he could carry his long pole with no serious hindrances and they continued their talk about summer adventures over the summer untill they hit the manor gate and Ashley was standing there to meet them. Ashley took the bag of clothes from Ronin with a smile then followed them up to the house. Once inside Ashley showed Amelia what room she would be using this time, as Hailee called Ronin to dinner in the kitchen. Later that night, Ronin checked in on Amelia and she looked like she was sound asleep on the enourmous bed all sprawled out. He smilled and closed the door quietly, then made way for his room and went strait for his bed. Ronin hit the bed and was out cold within a few minutes out of pure exhaustion with the embarasment and the talking, He wasent much of a people person. Amelia, noticing that Ronin had checked on her only a few minutes before decided to get up and get a glass of water. She walked down the hall, passing his room on the way down, it was cracked open a bit and she could see him laying there, He looked really sad. She got to the stairs and called to Ashley in a hush voice to please get her a glass of water, she did and Amelia drank it then gave it back, then started walking back to her room. Amelia loved the feel of the plush carpet on her feet. She looked into Ronin's room again and saw that he was turned over and clearly sleeping. She was curious so she took a peak into his room, she couldn't really see anything so she opened the door and went in. She saw that he had little quotes all over his wall. It looked like he had wrote them, they were very mysterious and kind of, resentful. He looked at Ro who was fast asleep and just before she left, a little flash caught her eye. It was a reflection of the hallway light off a picture that was stuck under his pillow. Her curiosity got the better of her and she grabbed the picture. She smiled as she looked at the heartwarming picture of Ronin and his parents, As she went to put it back she found another one. This one was simply a school picture that would be in the yearbook. It was a picture of Lily, Just a small one, But she wondered why Ro would keep a picture of her with a picture of his parents, and why any of it would be under his pillow. Ronin shuffled in bed so Amelia put the pictures back and got out. She headed back to her room thinking about the pictures but let them go as she fell asleep.