[@Snarl] I got 1 extra in health, 5 extra in strength and 4 in intelligence. Together that makes 10. I thought we could freely give those to the stats? Did I make a mistake somewhere? I do have one question about the secondary and primary weapon. I'm not entirely sure here. I'd imagine the Theurgist is somewhat of an actual magician class channeling the energy of his guardian beast into ranged spells. If this is the case, then would it be possible that the secondary and primary weapons directly influence the power of these spells? If so, I'll tone down my secondary weapon. In fact, I might still do it. But I'm just curious how my character would function with his Guardian. If I'm entirely wrong then please say so and I'll adapt his weapon according. But rest assured that I'll tone down the secondary weapon. So just to get this right, Honor (and Dishonor) is gathered not during interaction with NPCs but by fulfilling certain objectives (or not fulfilling them) during a mission, task or quest? (not that it will change my Charisma stat)