[h1]BATTLE MECHANICS[/h1] The running focus of this Roleplay is to engage in full scale Warfare. The idea is not to win, or to lose, but to write out the stories that happen during the course of a battle. If you can write an epic battle that takes a month for the two of you to move forward a single day, we love it! That is what we are here for. The agony, the drama, the glory, the heroes, the savagery. We want everyone else in this Roleplay, and anyone who reads it, to be imagining themselves in the shoes of your soldiers, your people, your citizens, we want them lying awake staring at the ceiling as they try to sleep saying to themselves: "What the f**k did I just read and when is the next segment coming out!?" In order to facilitate this, [@Clocktowerechos] and myself have decided to go with a very simple Battle Mechanic. It is as follows: [h3]Player Agreed Outcome[/h3] This is preferable way of doing things. You intend to attack your neighbour and take their lands! Rawr! Well, first, because we don't [i]actually[/i] have real life armies, you must PM the person you are attacking. The two of you can then decide how things are going to work out. Once you have decided on an outcome, let the battle commence, amaze us with your epic storyline and ultimate outcome. You can fight skirmishes, battles, or even the whole war this way. If you are both happy with the plan, we will not prevent you from making it happen. (Unless its complete bullshit, then we'll have words) [h3]Games Master Controlled Outcome[/h3] In the unlikely (Hopefully) situation where two players cannot agree on an outcome, or they would rather just "roll the dice" and see what happens we will do exactly that, and roll the dice. Using this [url=https://www.wizards.com/dnd/dice/dice.htm]Random Dice Generator[/url] we will decide the outcome of the skirmish, battle, or war, based on the following formula; 1-3 Blue wins 4-6 Red Wins Difficult to grasp at first, but if I can wrap my head around it, anyone can. The dice roll will be the final say and not a negotiation. This is important for all players to realize. If you can't Roleplay your losses as well as you can your wins, you probably shouldn't be doing life in general, let alone Roleplaying. If you don't like the mechanic please feel free to look elsewhere for a Roleplay to join. We want to keep it simple, and preferably have players sort it out amongst themselves as I do believe we are all adults, or near enough to. Once you've got the roll back from a Games Master, please feel free to work it out amongst yourselves how the fight is going to go. If one person refuses to cooperate, they lose. Simple. We're in this together so I hope we will see plenty of player generated awesomeness, or some excellent "Well screw you dice" moments and their outcome.