[center][h3][color=orange]Hibiki Toho[/color][/h3] [img]http://i.imgur.com/WUJO7Px.png[/img][/center] It has been a very eventful few days. Hibiki had been hanging out with Itsuko more often, usually at school since she can't always come over to her apartment. She's also been trying to figure out how to raise Train and keep her at her home. Hibiki was worried that the housekeeper might tell her mom and dad that Hibiki was keeping a cat, and she knew that he uncle wouldn't want to take care of it. For now, Hibiki usually just meets Train at school, feeding and playing with him during breaks or between classes. Only Itsuko really knew that Hibiki did this, and today Hibiki was thinking that she should go ask Itsuko if she could keep Train at her house. She worried that Train would get hurt if he didn't have a home. Just as she was thinking about her, Itsuko left a voice message for Hibiki. She wanted to meet Hibiki in Deep Ground! Now that she thought of it, Hibiki hasn't been on DGO for a while. Because she was an outlaw deep in Ebony Stryker territory, she was rather hesitant to be on the move. Not only that, but Itsuko doesn't even know Hibiki's Deep Ground Avatar, since Hibiki never talked about it. She's been so busy playing with Train and Itsuko that she's forgotten about Deep Ground. She was rather curious what sort of character Itsuko was, so she sent a voice message back. [quote][color=orange]"That'll be great! I have a few more things I need to do for my club, but once I'm done I'll try to come over tonight. My folks are still out of town and I have permission to stay are your place on the weekends, so we can have a sleepover! I'll call you when I'm on my way, see you soon!"[/color][/quote] After sending the message Hibiki hurried to finish her job. Yesterday she joined the Newspaper Club. She didn't mean to, it just sorta... Happened. It all started when Hibiki was chasing Train through the school, trying to catch him before anyone else did. That's when she ran into some people and well... One thing led to another and Hibiki was part of the newspaper club now. At least Train was safe. So for now Hibiki had to work for the Newspaper Club, and they seemed like good people. Kinda small, but everyone was nice and it felt like they were doing important work. Though right now Hibiki was just picking up a package. She didn't know what was in it aside that the Newspaper Club needed it, and it was big. Bigger than Hibiki's bookbag. And kinda heavy. Hibiki struggled to carry it all the way to the Newspaper Club, and when she did she had to lean against the door, move it with her butt, and then... [color=orange]"Deliver- Kya!"[/color] Hibiki tripped. [@Lord of Evil][@KoL]