"Why do you wish to know about that man? He is of no good and if you side with him, I can assure that I will hunt you down and be the reason that you spend the rest of your life behind steel bars. Understood?" the black and purple clad woman insisted. "Listen lady, I'm a good guy trying to help take down a bad guy. For all I know your 'Monster High' vibe is to mask something more sinister. I know nothing about this city, it's heroes, villains... I'm a rookie as far as anybody knows. But I'm not some powerless vigilante..." Gemini explained putting his hand on his chest and glowing red. An exact duplicate of Alexander in his Gemini gear was now standing next to him. The girl looked at least a little impressed. However, shadows around them began to move... The Shadow Walker was moments away from springing on the heroes. He had completely lost his mind. There was no talking to him now. Anyone in a suit was seen as a threat. And now out of nowhere another showed up looking exactly like the guy with the red symbol. Walker leaped from a shadow and clotheslined the original Gemini and leaped back into another shadow on the rooftop. "Do you always make me to make you look good big A?" the duplicate bantered preparing for the fight while the original picked himself up. "It's Gemini in the suit." Alexander stated sternly. "Your mask doesn't even cover anything important...." the duplicate stated. "Do we HAVE to do this now?" the original asked, "Can we just kick this guy's ass?" ~KL~