[h3]Notes on La Place Du Fourmilier[/h3] 1) the Hotel we're in, which I've creatively named l'Hotel Déguisé, is based on something I once think I knew about how loads of French (I'm gonna say) monks who were driven underground by religious disagreements or whatever and so there are loads of catacombs and shit in France where they used to hide out. The hotel is underground and a short walk away from the square, so from the outside it looks really unnoticeable and anonymous, but it's in a great location and it's super lush and everything inside. Possibly famous. Might have made up this bit of French history (and honestly a google search is not looking good on the backing me up front) but fuck it let's go with it 2) The staff are [i]all[/i] rude 3) I've not said what the room allocation is [s]but I'm gonna suggest that the boys are all in one room and Siobhan/Beck and Mary/Elise are in rooms each but that's up for grabs if anybody has any strong preferences[/s] because I'm an idiot and shouldn't be in charge of things (see the OoC) 4) O'Lustrum has paid for the hotel out of his own pockets. The group hasn't paid for it at all, either from their own coffers or via the bursary. It's a complete freeb. Very very not-important plot-stuff here but if somebody could give it a mention, would mucho appreciato. 5) You're totally free to explore the square or, indeed, the hotel, at your leisure. Hopefully the info here and in the IC gives you an idea of the general tone I'm gunning for for this location, but if I had any vital plot stuff that was worth bearing in mind, I'd've told you. Have fun! Enjoy! 6) Any questions, you know where I am. 7) Still absolutely hammered, but I pre-wrote much of my most recent IC post so hopefully it's mostly legit.