Angel looked to her radar as she heard the missile warning, seeing a MiG coming in towards her at a fast speed. She banked right and into a Kulbit, confusing the other MiG pilot who could only follow her for so long "I think I was put up against a Nugget!" She chuckled, getting behind the bogey and putting a few rounds down on it. She hit it's tail and wing, but it escaped before she could do any more damage. she followed a bit behind, her plane's turn time was slow compare to the newer ones. As she flew past her Leader and the others, another 29 came from above and shot her wings, nearly hitting her canopy, right as she fired a missile at the one she was chasing. "Sh*t, my wings are damaged!" She spoke into the comms, banking towards Yellow slowly "I still have control, though!" As she neared Yellow, the same MiG flew straight for her, missiles locking on. "Damnit, no way I'm going to get away from this.... Need some help over here!"