[@Kinetic Kitty] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/a/a7/USCouragePoster.png/revision/latest?cb=20110302084440[/img] Hannibal didn't know what this building had been before the bombs fell, coulda just been some burger joint for all he knew, or it might have been run down and useless even back then. What he did know was that he saw way too much of the present in that old, tattered poster clingin' to the wall long past it's time. Courage today. Victory tomorrow. And now? The nation that that poster had sought to rally to victory, had sought to inspire to rise against the Red Threat, had sought to lead to victory was just... The power armored soldier looked at his surroundings. [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/29/bd/2d/29bd2dace4f3ed23dfb566287c533bcd.jpg[/img] Just ruins and dust mostly. The more things changed...well, the more they stayed the same seemed like. He could still remember the end...the garbled transmission, the reports pouring into the airbase about Brotherhood troop movements, the arrival of the Demon of DC in the midst of an entire flock of Brotherhood Vertibirds... They'd fought for their lives, he and his boys. The Enclave. They fought like cornered animals. And....well, seemed like most of them died. The fallback from the airbase hadn't been a retreat, it was a rout. The last thing command had managed to get out on the radio was just a simple order...retreat. Fall back to outposts outside of DC. Any route you could. Anyway you could. [i]Fuckin' hell. [/i] [hider=Character Sheet] Name: Hannibal Silas Age: 32 Gender: Male Appearance: [hider=Apperance/Dress Uniform] [img]http://img12.deviantart.net/41e2/i/2011/248/d/8/reto_by_omupied-d48y9q6.jpg[/img] [img]https://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/fallout.gamepedia.com/1/15/Fo3_Enclave_Officer_Uniform.png[/img] [/hider] [hider=In Armor] [img]https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/120/images/10821-1-1280475548.jpg[/img][/hider] Personality: Hannibal has many faces-some deliberately worn, some a product of his circumstances. When the need calls, he can play the fool quite well-nothing to fear from this too-friendly bookdumb grunt eh? Of course, beneath the mask and the affected southern accent, Hannibal is a cool and cunning operator, as one might expect from a member of the Enclave's officer corps. He remains affable, but at times there is a certain vicious streak to it. A true believer in the Enclave cause, and in the mythical America-That-Was, Hannibal could be called Old World Obstinance incarnate-he's got pride, he's got guns, and right now he has a hell of a grudge against the Brotherhood. The drinking habit he picked up as a result the Enclave's defeat in DC is....simply incidental. Bio: Hannibal is Enclave, born and raised. His youth was filled with tales of apple pie, baseball and just about every other kind of patriotic, corny-as-heck culture the Enclave could think of. He was raised to believe that America didn't die with the bombs, the Enclave WAS America. The rightful government, the ones who would bring order to the Wasteland. He believed it, he believed all of it. And still does. He for Eden in DC, and then he fought for Autumn when Eden went mad. He fought at the Purifier, even after the loss of Raven Rock. He was at Adams Airforce Base when the Enclave was crushed. He even took on the Demon of DC himself in single combat, and was left horribly mauled by the incident-another addition to his growing collection of scars. Now...now he's limping out of the DC area, listening to static on the remaining Enclave command frequencies. Following his last orders. Fall back. Retreat. Get outta town. He's cussing up a storm as he follows them, sure, but he's following them. [/hider]