[center] [URL=http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/195818/subspace.font][IMG]http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/img.php?f=195818&s=65&t=Friction&c=FF9966[/IMG][/URL] [url=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-DPKtgdoDBZY/UsV8UsymYMI/AAAAAAAAh-0/_r_jHC233Y4/s1600/Jennifer+Nigri+(3).jpg](Picture)[/url] #################################[/center] Sensing the friction trails in the air in her area Cypress deduced that there were snipers in the area so she increased her random course alterations to account for acquisition and aiming. Still after all this the skating heroine kept up her focus on Tinhead. This action caused his suit to act as if every joint was filled with heated sand and robbed airflow through any intakes. It was of course a time consuming way to take on an opponent but her only ranged method. If Tinhead could be grounded she could engage him using inertia to batter him by bouncing him around as if he were a ball by altering his inertia. "Wish in one an shift in the other" she giggles as she finds herself caught up in a familiar sensation that reminds her of her friend Maeve as she passes close by two of the pitiful Bikers. "Interesting, I think I got a rush off those poor boys" she says to herself in a sultry bedroom voice. Too bad she doesn't have time to play with them yet but Ned is her man at the moment. To prove he was her only man Cypress comes to a neck snapping stop as her left arm lifts Quarter to which she imparts every erg of her former Inertial force while shifting from causing Ned to experience friction to encasing the coin in a frictionless sheath. The [url= https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/3/37/Quarter_Reverse_2010.png/220px-Quarter_Reverse_2010.png]Quarter[/url] flies as if in a vacuum striking close to center of mass with the force of 25,000 joules of energy. (150% of a .50 Caliber) as Friction kicks off in a tangent that follows her target.