Nathaniel sighed. He had made his point, but it seems like everyone was quite adamant about doing this. It seemed the new girl was on the same page as Nathaniel, but it wasn't likely that a mere two people will be able to convince the room to back out when they seemed to jump at the opportunity. What's more, Haas did have a point. There has been so much chaos at the school these past few days, yet classes continue as usual, and the school has done barely anything. They have not even increased security at all, which is pretty strange. Nathaniel had heard about schools being lax in enforcing anti-bullying policies, but one would think that they would take more action when the school gets attacked and the students start forming gangs. Nathaniel had his reservations about doing anything too drastic, but maybe the situation calls for it this time. [color=6ecff6]"Alright, fine. Just try not to get into too much trouble. And [i]don't[/i] do anything crazy or dangerous."[/color] Nathaniel said, before giving Maisy and Megan the stink eye.