[quote=@Pink Madness] [@PlatinumSkink] I am maybe a blind, but which towns the gyms are? I think that either Highhill or Lakewatch have the first one thought. [/quote] I FORGOT TO ANSWER! I read your question, then turned to read IC posts because I was to react to those too, THEN I FORGOT TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTION! MY APOLOGIES! So. There's a Gym in ALL towns. If you might notice, there is a grand total of nineteen city-spots, the only one without a Gym being the Pokémon League. There are two leagues. Minor and Major league, each which has nine badges associated to it. You only need eight, meaning you can skip one leader if you wish. So, any town you are in, feel free to check the local Gym. However, I will not state what type the Gym specializes in or what League each town Gym is before you get there or someone tells you. That's about it. Haha. I DO kind of have an order in which I could recommend you to get the badges, buuuuut... The Gyms have no number. It makes no sense for them to be numbered. Therefore, I'll let you find out the strength of each Gym on your own! XD Edit: ... Key hasn't been online for two days. If he isn't here this time tomorrow, I will post the next post regardless. If shows up and tells me to wait a little, I will. I believe that works.