[h1][center][color=orange]Hoverfly[/color][/center][/h1] Chris only got more and more surprised as more and more people entered the bar and said the code word. A man with strange makeup and strange tools. A brown haired girl who seemed to move really quickly. A pale (but cute) girl with a visible scar on her cheek. A hot horned girl, dressed in extremely skimpy clothing. After the last person had gone down the corridor to the back room, Christopher felt that they would be the last. And so, he followed them into the back room, with the stage at one side of it. He looked around at the gathered people. Never before had he seen such a different group of people all together in one place. Suddenly all eyes turned to the stage, and he saw the masked woman standing there. [color=orange]"What the hell..."[/color] Christopher muttered under his breath. The woman spoke, and a few things stood out to him. Most notably, the part about the superhero teams vanishing. Christopher's own team had vanished without a trace, and it still left him confused and scared. But, Chris supposed, that was in the past. There was nothing he could do. Something else stood out about the fact that they would need a leader. Seeing a few others speak up about their powers, Chris decided to as well. [color=orange]"Well, uh, hi everyone, I'm Chris, but you can call me Hoverfly if you want. My powers are pretty simple I guess - I can float. I can also levitate objects a little, but it's safe to say I'm not very good at the second one. However, I am pretty good at the first"[/color] Chris, to prove this, floated up to the top of the room, did a flip in mid-air, and then floated back down. [color=orange]"Also, I'd be interested in taking up the post of leader if people want that."[/color] He added the last bit with a smile. He heard someone talking on the other side of the room and floated over. It was the pale girl with the scar. [color=orange]"You can sense emotions? That's really cool![/color]