Naisha only held tightly at the neck of the beast for of Alex and even after Alex returned to a almost human one, she continued to keep her arms tightly wrapped around the other’s neck into a almost prison like hold, not wanting to allow for anything to tear them away now. [color=6ecff6]“Yes, Alex, I’m alright. Don’t worry!”[/color] Naisha said lovingly, still hugging the other woman, unable to believe her bloody luck on this one.[color=6ecff6]” I also died like you and now we are together again!”[/color] She added, ignoring what the man said about not having being dead. Cause well she knew she died in her world.[color=6ecff6]” I did get the man who killed you though as I also got everyone who was ever mean to us… I feasted on their hearts and blood!”[/color] She said happily. [color=6ecff6]“Shh… Alex…”[/color] Nai stated, making the read head to be quiet before also turning to the people who’s ‘guests’ they were.[color=6ecff6]” They are the people who saved us from being drown as they stated it, and this must be another world because I’m feeling the magic energies of the entire planet different…”[/color] [color=6ecff6]“Before we answer any of your questions there, I want to know why we were dragged to this world!?”[/color] The demonic mage asked with serious voice, but she was still on Alex’s neck[color=6ecff6].” Seems like you know something about it… if I’m to go by the way you speak. Especially because you bear the same name as your world...”[/color]