[center][h1][color=a187be]Day 07 - A song that is your guilty pleasure[/color][/h1][/center] [hider=Misfits - Dig Up Her Bones] [center][youtube]https://youtu.be/lgSLz5FeXUg[/youtube][/center] [/hider] God I just love this song, always have. (So much in fact I took my daughter when she was 8 months old to see the Misfits at Dragon Con, lol - Don't worry she had ear plugs in so it wouldn't hurt her ears but she could still hear. They were dolls, put us up in the press box and she went to sleep listening to the sweet sounds of the Misfits) Anytime it comes on, I just can't help but bop around no matter what I am doing. It's just a fun song to me.