Name's Official Name:Republic of Zellonia Nation's Government: The Empire of Zellonia is ruled not by a monarchy or king instead. The 3 Noble families of the empire each select a candidate who then must run for election if they win they control the entire country until death. Head of State: Autruz: Neil Trellis from House Roberts (45) Nation's Description: Culture: The Culture of Zellonia is very mercantile with most people being makers of things. From working in the factories, serving in the army or working on a ship. The Zellonian’s are a nationalistic and prideful people often weary of outsiders unless they mean to bring in business and make the island more dominant. Geography: The Island of Zellonia has rich fertile places inland perfect for farming while there are hills spread out periodically. The Coastline however is a much more dangerous place with much of it being deadly rocks and mountains save the few major Ports setup by the empire. Military:While the military of Zellonia is far from the largest it is perhaps the most well equipped and disciplined forces. Reling currently on a mandatory 4 year enlistment system for all males starting at the age of 18 unless they are the sole provider for said family. The Navy however is the true pride of the empire. Being among one of the largest and most up to date in the world it is used to guard it’s far off colonies and ensure that the good reach is ports no matter where it comes from. Desired Location: Island to the Northeast Major Arms Company Name: Robert’s Industries Major Naval Shipping Company Name: Conrad’s Shipyard Major Industrial Company Name: Primus’s Premiums Nation's Major Bolt-Action Rifle: Z-10 “Deadeye” Rifle Nation's Primary Artillery Piece: 65mm Jingles