[hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=slategray][center]Gideon Engelhart[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m1tetusdCo1qd54da.gif[/img][/center] [hr][CENTER][color=slategray][b]Location:[/b][/color]Cargo Bay[/CENTER][hr] The screen of the diagnostic tool flashed at Gideon as he pulled it out to check his progress. Apparently the ship has sustained further damage in the firefight. Groaning, Gideon ran a hand through his hair as the voice of Daphne came from below him. Running a hand down his face, Gideon pushed his frustration back and turned to the girl with his usual cocky grin as he descended towards the floor of the Cargo Bay. [b][color=slategray]"I reckon I could use a couple more hands."[/color][/b] The engineer smiled as he tapped the screen of the device in his hand. [b][color=slategray]"Looks like the [i]Vengeance[/i] took more hits than her Captain in that little spat. We've got a hull breach on our hand which means we're going to need to find some supplies."[/color][/b] Frowning at the list of constantly growing tasks, Gideon muttered to himself. [b][color=slategray]"Wish the gorram yokels would stop blowing 'oles in my boat."[/color][/b] Walking towards the stern ramp, Gideon ran a finger through a dingy yellow liquid that was spilling down the hydraulic hoists. Raising the finger to his nose, he took a deep sniff before cursing some more. [b][color=slategray]"The hydraulics are blown out, likely going to need to find new fluid to repair and re-pressurize them with. This boat ain't going up in the air no matter how much love we put into it at this rate."[/color][/b] Looking around the cargo bay, Gideon pointed to the mule that was parked as he spoke to Daphne. [b][color=slategray]"Grab your gear, we're going out. I assume you know why the Captain wanted us beached here? Yokels have an abandoned mine nearby, keeps us out of sight and the yokels out of our business. What that means for us is that there's likely a ship load of abandoned materials and supplies down in them tunnels."[/color][/b] Turning to head to his quarters, Gideon paused as he turned back to Daphne to flash a pearly white smirk. [b][color=slategray]"Hope you're not afraid of the dark."[/color][/b]