[img]http://i.imgur.com/w7eOnii.png[/img] [b][color=thistle]"Troublesome..."[/color][/b] Kosuke muttered as he walked down the hall. It'd been roughly three days since the civil war in the Black Guild which had sort of been a bittersweet experience for him. There were a few things he'd tried out which he had been greatly looking forward to but they hadn't been very good ideas in the end. He also didn't manage to get much EXP because he'd spent the whole battle flying around and he didn't have time to pick up the crystals. During the last two days and one 'blank' day, he'd been trying hard to make up for it and he was now 1,000 EXP off of leveling up. He heard [color=9632cc]Eclipse Princess[/color] had begun some kind of campaign against the Ebony Strikers and also that she was level 7 now. He knew he'd been seen fighting next to Arms Slave so it was likely that if she saw him he'd have to fight so he wanted new skills as soon as possible. But now the cultural festival was coming up and he might not have the time. He'd heard that the reward for doing the guild that did the best during the School Festival was Corpse Collector's loot. He had a faint memory of the name so he'd looked it up, and apparently Corpse Collector had been an infamous hacker which had supposedly been perma-banned or killed IRL depending on which rumors you believed. Kosuke couldn't shake the feeling he'd seen them once but he really didn't remember at all... He looked up and saw that he was finally at his destination; the Newspaper Club. Then he froze for a second. [quote=@Ryonara] Hibiki struggled to carry it all the way to the Newspaper Club, and when she did she had to lean against the door, move it with her butt, and then... [color=orange]"Deliver- Kya!"[/color] Hibiki tripped. [@Lord of Evil][@KoL] [/quote] That voice was familiar. He'd heard it once but he had a feeling that the first time he'd heard it, it'd been... colder? There was an image in his mind of someone turning their back and going away somewhere while he was facing someone else, but when he tried to remember he couldn't get any further than that. He shook his head to clear his thoughts. He peeked his head into the doorway, sort of standing over Hibiki. He'd be helping her up but he was a serious lightweight. As in, even his little brother was able to pull him down, and his little brother was 10. He'd tripped on flat ground once and knocked himself knocked out for a whole hour. People that knew him said that it shouldn't be physically possible to be that lightweight but he kinda just was. [b][color=thistle]"Ummm..."[/color][/b] He said, [b][color=thistle]"I'm coming in to request some information..."[/color][/b] [hr] [@KoL][@Lord of Evil][@Ryonara]