[right][@vietmyke][/right] [i]He could have been at least a little more subtle about it,[/i] Penelope found herself thinking at the insinuated trouble the night might bring. It wasn't like she was planning for trouble, but she wasn't exactly shy about getting into it. She knew it, Tony knew it, worst was that the Pack knew it too. Her uncle Daithi had been pretty direct in his request she stop getting into fights on a moral ground, and she was trying but it was a hard instinct to combat. Something about stubbornness and hotheadedness being inherited traits; it was a statement she heard often in teasing considering her father's nature. A sigh escaped her, and Penelope couldn't help but nod. [color=cd5c5c]"All right. I promise. I'll do better to ignore trespasses that aren't against me,"[/color] she said. It would be hard to turn a blind eye to a lot of what went on at Fitzroy parties, but she'd make a conscious effort to at least. [color=cd5c5c]"Though we might luck out and it might be my uncle to come break up whatever. He swept the fight from my freshman year under the rug after all. And you could always approach Connall about one if you can't get one from the Chief or Professor Bianchi. He's in good standing, and he's still teaching Guardian Protocol. I understand going elsewhere, but he'd write you a letter if you asked."[/color] Yes, it would be better to get a letter from someone that is strictly involved on a professional basis, but Connall wasn't Tony's family. Friendships shouldn't influence that sort of thing, right? [color=cd5c5c]"You need to drive. Daithi took my license for a month - it's not suspended, he just physically has it - for getting into another fight with Conrad over the summer. In my defense, he started it...But that's neither here nor there. Point is, I can't get caught driving without it."[/color]