[@Elle Santiago] Kain was still cruising about when his phone startled him out of his near sleep driving. A wide grin swept his face, causing him to wince in pain, as he saw the number. He cleared his throat and prepared his best fine and friendly voice. [i]"Hey Shaman, how have you been?"[/i] Kain's voice explodes over the phone in an excited bubbly tone. [i]"Good to hear ya, say I was wondering, are you and your guys checking up on that pyro thing? It's just I'm in Chicago tryin'a do the right thing, you know 'use my powers for good and all that,' but I kinda ran into some trouble."[/i] On his side of the call Kain crosses his fingers and pauses, giving his lip a nervous little bite as he prepares his hopeful little request. [i]"Whadda ya say Levy? Got a minute to help a guy out? It's ok I'll come to you."[/i] Just then the flash of blue lights caught Kain's eye as a loud siren whooped behind him. He looked in the rear vision mirror. Cops! [i]"Shit"[/i] Kain curses forgetting to move the phone. Then he hastily blurts out the rest. [i]"Hey Lev, sorry will have to chat latter, bit busy, text me that addy and we'll swap notes! Cheers doll, see ya soon."[/i] with that he quickly hangs up giving her nearly no time to have talked or reply at all.