[color=004b80][center][h1] Grant Holiday [/h1][/center][/color] [hider=Appearance] [img]http://pre11.deviantart.net/7294/th/pre/f/2012/094/2/7/prince_by_leejun35-d4uym96.jpg[/img] [/hider] Age: 100 years (looks about 21) Abilites: Grant has extra powerful sensory abilites. He has extraordinary sight, smell, hearing, and has a better sense of touch. With his sight he can see things clearer, not so much far away. With smell, he can accurately his sense of smell to locate people and items. He can even determine a persons exact blood type. He uses his smell to sense if people lie. He can hear things and what people say much more clearly than average but his hearing isnt distance based. He cant hear things super far away, just in his vicinity. And he can use his sense of touch as if a radar. He can almost feel things without touching them. His can be translated into fighting, but Grant isnt much of a fighter. Grant can use his blood to attack, able to harden it inside and outside his body. can transform his blood into material weapons or shapes. Equipment and weapons: Grant has a small hunting knife that he keeps on him at all times. Backstory: Grant has never tried to shine in the spotlight. Grant wanted to live a normal life, and he had no wish of becoming a vampire. He turned one hundred years ago, while walking home from the store. He was a writer, and he needed more supplies and food. It was a quick process, being dragged into an alley unexpectedly, and being bitten. The vampire who turned him had not been one for long, and was just really hungry. He had hurriedly tried to feed, but Grant was able to get out of his grasp. They struggled for a slight bit of time, and some of the vampires blood had entered into his mouth, and Grant succumbed to the vampire and was fed on. Grant woke hours later, reborn as a creature of the night. Since them Grant has written over a fifty books under different names, and tried to avoid forming bonds as much as possible, feeding on animals instead of people. Some parts of his vampire life he chooses not to discuss, for not everything is as it seems with Grant.