[hider=Dawn and Dusk] The twilight of Mankind began long ago. The details have been lost. The event to kickstart this end of humanity was a genocide of sorts. In a land once known as India, a nomadic warrior tribe swept down upon a peaceful farming civilization. Their technological advancements were fantastic for the time and place, but their knowledge of weaponry limited. And so they were killed and enslaved, their artifacts destroyed. The nomadic tribe continued on, the ruins of what once was in their wake. This tribe, these nomads, their battle, it would not effect humanity and their downfall until centuries later. A German. Socially inept, but with the potential to turn his failing country around, creates an ideology around this nomadic tribe. Nazi Germany rises to power, using a twisted version of the nomads to suit their ideals. Their war tactics are ruthless, their genocides devastating. The other world powers of the time knew they had to be stopped, and so began a new race. Between Germany and the Allied powers. Who could harvest the very power of reality, and create the Atomic Bomb. Nazi Germany fell before the bomb could be used, but their allies stood relentless. So the nation formerly known as the United States of America dropped what some call now "The First Domino" towards the extinction of mankind. New bombs were made, new wars were waged, new dictators rose and fell. And ever since, at the forefront, yet also a lurking threat, stood atomic weaponry. The ability to harvest nature itself and weaponize it should have sounded some alarms at first, but the wars continued. The death toll rose. Yet never again was atomic weaponry used in war. Worse things arose in place. "The Second Domino" was the rise to power of one Saddam Hussein. Hussein lead the nation of Iraq into war. Mentions of these atrocities, and every atrocity since, has been banned by the Wholesome Media Act of 2019. But the law no longer binds me. After the failure of the Persian-Gulf war, Hussein knew he needed a way to gain leverage over the Allies. Enter Operation Archae. A covert team was sent out without the world knowing to the ruins of the Harappan civilization, so as to perhaps hold the artifacts hostage. What they found was far more menacing. What was found predated the Harappans. It predated humanity. A deep cave system, filled with strange markings. At the very end lie and urn. And on the urn were inscribed instructions on how to construct "The Will of the Heavens". As one may know, the Will of the Heavens is considered the Fifth, and final Domino. The urn was brought back, and research commenced. The project was secretive, and the Iraqi government continued working on it after the fall of Hussein. Politics changed, as did regimes. But the urn stood deep beneath the Earth's crust, guarded by steel doors instead of rock walls. The Third Domino was, quite simply, the Virus. For those unaware, the Virus is what most refer to as the fall of most political machines in American society. A task force, privately funded by various millionaires, was formed. They constructed a communications network that ran beneath atoms that would never fade.They infiltrated politics, using their insider knowledge and various positions to crumble the machinations that had kept the same select few in power for decades. The fall of this order, known to historians as the Order, led to them waging war on this new America. Their resources in various countries were either killed or joined in. This, the third World War, led to the most recorded civilian deaths in centuries. Subliminal messaging was ordered to be broadcast from every Order controlled machine possible, and through this "subatomic network", telling individuals to join the cause or rebel against their local governments. In the first and only Total War recorded in all of history. Every country was engaged in turmoil, both external and internal. The world population was halved. The only country untouched by the bloodshed was Vatican City. This is still unexplained. After the Total War, Iraqi government crumbled, as did most governments. The Central Union had been established, but it only covered Europe and some of Asia. Various factions raided Iraqi government buildings, but only one thought to investigate the Ministry of Agriculture. Despite the formidable Central Union forming and dominating, another "government" had formed: The Eyeless. Those hurt in the Total War and uncared for by the Central Union fled to the wastes of the Middle East, which had been nearly completely destroyed by missiles. They enhanced themselves, and became cyborgs. But the creator of the cyborg technology, Maximilian Cur, had been driven insane. He was only a brain inside a robotic suit, and so wished for the elimination of all organic life. And so he implanted secretive coding in his enhancements : [i]"Destroy the naturals","Becomes Gods","You are kings in this world"[/i]. So, the Eyeless became violent. And when they raided the Department of Agriculture, and found their way down to what would become known as Hell's Eye, they knew what to do. The establishment of the Eyeless has been forever since known as the Fourth Domino. [i]-Intermission-[/i] [i]Instructions Engraved on Hell's Eye[/i] [i]Translated[/i] [i]What you will need is the universe. All of the world shall be your fuel. Using stone, construct a large obelisk with four spikes out of each side. This will be costly, but worth it. At the base of the obelisk, create a mechanism that is an altar with a rim around it for catching liquids, with hollow stone pipes leading up to the top of the obelisk. At the top of the obelisk, put a stone of the heavens. This must all be constructed at where God's protection ends and the rest begins. Now, take any whole soul and make them intake the contents of the urn. They will become like water, and their soul and the Devil's shall merge and all will be one[/i] Maximilian had the resources, and so he would construct it. But where was the place where God's protection ended? Where else but Antarctica, where the ozone hole had been all but sealed many years before. All that was there now was a small, 2 mile radius of a breach. But the construction commenced nonetheless. After kidnapping none else than the daughter of the president of the Central Union, the sacrifice began. Not much is known about the contents of the urn. What we do know is that the unique chemical reaction that consists of the entirety of the human body, moonstone, and whatever was inside the urn led to the complete evaporation of both the ozone and the Earth's magnetic field. The Fifth Domino had toppled. The planet tore at itself, with little to nothing left. Humanity never returned, but the Will of the Heavens worked. The chemical in the urn brought life to the land once known as Earth. Creatures beyond your comprehension were brought to life from the primordial ooze of humanity's folly. I am one of them, living off information recorded and secondhand from a subatomic communication network that should have faded but still runs. And now we live, beings of stone, with God's will no longer shielding us. And we know we have the blessings of the heavens, [/hider] Please tell me your thoughts