Luna looked up at the sound of the airplane, watching it land on the ship with curiosity. They would need it, it seemed, but why? In case something happened to the ship? She didn't fancy flying in that through a storm. The motion of the ship was enough to set her stomach ill at ease. Edward seemed to throw out the questions, but to Luna they weren't the right ones. She would have asked [i]why do we need the plane?[/i] but she decided to stay quite just for now, especially as the Captain was telling them to get below decks. She darted below decks, and she rifled through a small bag she had, knowing she had something for motion sickness in there, which she could put into a tea. She managed to get some hot water and a mug, and dumped the herbs in, stirring until the water was a pale yellow colour, sipping at it slowly, looking around the mess hall. She hadn't imagined just how many people would be needed to crew the ship, as well as those needed for the exploration. It was overwhelming to see that, just like a hospital, there was someone for everything. She watched Edward stumble into the mess hall, and at the sound of the crash, Luna crouched, covering a hand over the top of her tea, and rocked with the movement of the ship. She didn't particularly care if she looked foolish, at least she didn't end up falling onto her butt. Rising when it seemed the roughness had abated for the moment, she glanced about, seeing if anyone had been hurt in turbulance, before walking towards Edward, sipping at her tea once more. [b]"That, i do believe, was a wave. What made the noise, I couldn't say. Maybe something wasn't tied down effectively. Here"[/b] she said, her own stomach settled for the time being, [b]"Drink the rest of this. It will help with any quesiness."[/b] Luna's voice was calm, and she didn't seem phased in the least by what had happened. She supposed that working in a hectic environment you adapted to whatever happened. She smiled at Edward, [b]"Don't worry so much. Whatever happens, happens. We can't turn back now, so why worry about what could be waiting for us? For now, this ship is it for us. May as well get use to it"[/b] She looked out over the mess of people in the hall once more, knowing she should find the medical bay and see if she was working with anyone else. Chances were it would be a doctor or medic, and she'd have to answer to them. Well, until they realised she was just as capable as them. She might not have the title, but Luna knew she could be a doctor. Perhaps when they got back, she might finish off her education and become a doctor in truth. Better she met her comrades sooner, rather then later. And besides, she wanted to find out what supplies they would be working with. And she knew she'd feel more at home in the medical bay then anywhere else. [i]I hate to think about what might happen if we run out of supplies. We'll be down to improvising, i suppose. I didn't consider how dangerous this could be, until seeing those storms up close. Until knowing we'd be in them. And yet, I'm not scared. This is something...something important. It's not something you needed money for, or connections. I got here because of my skill.[/i] And that simple fact meant the world, and more to Luna. Coming from living on the streets, working their way into a house, a steady life style...Luna had worn the name the Tramps child with pride, because she knew her father had worked hard to give her a home. And now she was doing something that might improve their lives even more. She looked to Edward and smiled again [b]"I don't suppose you know where the medical bay is? I should go see what I'm working with"[/b] Luna didn't know why she was even attempting to...what, develop a friendship with this guy, seemed a good idea to at least have a friendly face about, on the ship. Besides, she had practically had Edward shoved in her face anyway, she might as well be friendly to him. Aside from anything else, she didn't actually relish the idea of wondering around the ship for who knew how long, alone. And she could also give Edward something to do. He seemed to prone to not panic persay, but something close to it. [b]"After all, it doesn't look like the food will be ready anytime soon"[/b]