[@SkeletonShadow][@POOHEAD189] Knutik held his hands together in what could only be an attempt at being polite as he tried to patiently wait for his orange juice. You'd think the simple pleasure of drinking orange juice was extremely rare for him considering he looked like a kid in a candy store... well you know if that kid looked like a monster from a living nightmare. When the glass was placed and the lovely lady said her piece, Knutik conjured some shadows to form into a straw and sipped happily. He didn't even care where it was going but it tasted delicious. He was occupied finishing the last of his beverage when he heard someone speak in his direction. "[color=9e0b0f]Well met.[/color]" A slightly muscular looking man had taken a seat at the counter. Knutik looked over his side wondering if he was speaking to someone else only to find nobody. He aptly replied with a small wave of his hand before the guy started ordering pizza. He distractedly watched him closely, not use to being this close to actual humans before, and hadn't noticed that he was out of orange juice until he accidentally knocked the glass over, the straw still in his 'mouth'. A windy sigh escaped him before he placed the glass right side up again and made his conjured shadow straw of deadly terror disappear. The shade looked around, admiring the tavern's interior before realizing he was beginning to feel slight boredom. He didn't know just how long he was willing to stay here since the sight of so many people around him that could see him almost felt overwhelming. Though of course if worse comes to worse he could always hide in that vase. He once again began to watch the human seated next to him and pondered a mischievous thought.