Tai giggled as Max couldn't make up his mind. She got it though. "I'd sayyyy... Go with blueberry! I find its sweeter and more tangy than the cherry one!" She smiled as she laughed a little. "The first time I cam in here I had no idea what to go for first either." She smiled as she sipped at the drink in her hand as she waited for Frank to make max his soda. "I don't like choices. I get flustered and confused." she laughed at herself as she took another sip. Frank laughed at the two as he handed Max his very first Ice Cream Soda. "Enjoy young man." He said with a wink as he went back to work. Tai ushered Max over to her usual table and took a seat. She sat quietly for a few minutes as she did some people watching as she looked out of the window while she sipped. "I like to people watch sometimes. Its so strange to think sometimes that everyone else is going about their busy lives while I'm sat here relaxing and drinking. I often wonder what they are going through. Like that guy there." She said pointing. "Hes got such a worried look on his face while hes talking on his cell phone. Hes worried but not rushing off so what could he be thinking about and going through at this very moment in time? While we are just sat here watching. Its kinda surreal when you really think about it." She said softly as she took another sip before looking back at Max. "So, how come you came into the crystal club? You don't look like the type to be overly interested in that sort of thing." She smiled as she looked him over. "Was it a 'dayum she fiiine imma go talk to her!'" She laughed as she finished her strange interpretation.