Geko's horrid cackling came to an abrupt end, and Audrey watched as the Lost Number crashed to the ground. Oh how the mighty had fallen! If it had been anyone else, she might have felt sorry for them, might have even winced in sympathy... but this, well this was fucking great. Defeated by a rock, it was such a fitting end to their perv leader that she couldn't help but smirk at the man's misfortune, and when the other Asylum's began arriving (including the woman who'd knocked Geko out), the smirk on her face turned into a toothy grin. "Best sparring session ever," the girl turned to An and Tae. "Geko versus pebble was my favorite fight of the day, hands down, personal favorite." And she would have gone on and on had it not been for Lucas Peralta's arrival. Audrey shut her mouth and watched in silent awe as the gold plated gates opened, revealing the wonders of the estate. Rich was an understatement and her eyes flitted from the extravagant golden carpet to the indoor swimming pool and the party favors being passed around, something told her those brownies one of the butlers carried on a silver platter weren't just ordinary brownies, as awesome as that would have been. As great as everything was, she had to wonder, didn't a bunch of people get murdered or something? Welp, it wasn't her business how people dealt with their grief. Audrey followed her fellow Asylums into the mansion, but before they could do much, found herself surrounded by a wide expanse of endless white. The sudden change in surroundings disoriented Audrey but they weren't left in the dark for long. Angel explained where they were and she stared in wide-eyed disbelief as the world reshaped itself into a library of sorts. The past two years had been filled with the strangest experiences, and whenever she thought things couldn't get any weirder, she was always proven wrong. Now, was one of those times. However once Angel had delivered the news, her starry-eyed wonder was replaced with a sickening sense of dread. Truth be told, Audrey didn't give a shit about the bloodlines and didn't quite care about AMRO either. More than anything in the world, she just wanted to go home, but this was her place in the world now and people were being murdered so it was up to them to do something. She cracked her knuckles, sucked in a breath of air, then looked up to Angel. "So, um, what exactly are we supposed to do in there? Y'know, now that there's been another mass murder... are we supposed to just act casual?" The girl blinked dumbly, Audrey had always been better at letting her fists do the talking for her.