Hayate was about to approach Haas with some ideas but was shortly interrupted by her D-Ceiver. It was a message from her brother [color=00aeef]"Ha- huh...? A message from Hayato?"[/color] Hayate quickly checked her D-Ceiver, reading her brother's message. [color=00aeef]"Hayato is definitely acting weird... Haas, Hayato wants you to meet him in his room... alone... say you will tell me whats up, right? I'm a bit worried about him, he has been behaving weirdly these few days. On some, he seems to be fine... but others, he just seems like he's angry about something."[/color] Hayate said, worried about her brother's behavior despite joking about him a bit earlier. [color=00aeef]"Well... Hayato wants you to speak to him, why don't you take this chance to get him to help us anyways? I was going to ask you to talk to him before I got this message. We do need as much help as we can... we are just one group of students, after all."[/color] Hayate suggested and shortly added that she could spread the word to try and grow the investigation group.