[h1]MAP UPDATE[/h1] [hider=Map Update 2016-08-30][img]https://s22.postimg.org/u2fi8pty9/Map_Complete.png[/img][/hider] Cartographer Notes: [@Willy Vereb] Gave you most of the extra requested territory. You've got the Tomb King below you now and an expanded 13th Vulpin to the East. Left the peninsula to the south mostly untouched so we can fit someone else in there, or an NPC nation you guys can swallow up. [@SomeChap] I forgot to add your actual nation name to the map, I apologize. I will make it happen in the next update! [@Ophidian] Got a nation name I can add on for you? [@Vocab] Pushed your border West so it's tight with The Golden Horde. Gives you guys someone to fight right off the bat. [@wxps350] Pushed your border West to reflect your post. You're now tight with [@Ophidian]'s fellows. If you plan to go North let myself or [@Clocktowerechos] know and we'll let you know who or what you're fighting. Anyone not yet with an accepted character sheet please get your territory claims in to me sooner rather than later so I can add you to the map! Space is filling up.