Well, here's my application for a character in the service of House Hightower. [hider=Symon Rivers] [b]Name:[/b] Symon Rivers [b]Age:[/b] 29 [b]House/Affiliation:[/b] House Hightower [u][b]Appearance: [/b][/u] [img]http://i.imgur.com/bJOCdUE.jpg?1[/img] Well-mannered and soft-spoken, Symon isn’t a man to stand out in a crowd. His thoughts are often obscured behind a characteristic smirk and he is very careful with his body language, doing his best to reveal nothing of himself. Symon walks with a visible limp in his left leg, which is the cause of some speculation in regards to his past, but it is doubtful he received it on the field of battle as he is not much of a warrior. Nevertheless, he is well-set and has the rough skin of someone used to travel and manual labour. [u][b]Biography: [/b][/u] Symon Rivers is a bastard-born of uncertain lineage who was unheard of until recently. As his name suggests he likely hails from the Riverlands, though he’s not claimed descent to any of the noble families there. Much of his past is shrouded in mystery and Symon isn’t very keen on talking about it, usually remarking that “he’s been here and there, doing whatever needed doing” and leaving it at that. The paradoxical thing about him is that while few have heard of Symon Rivers, he seems to know a great many folk from whom he can call in a favour. His contacts extend well beyond the Reach, going as far as King’s Landing and Riverrun. While he cannot count the truly powerful among his associates, he has connections to many low-ranking officials and middlemen, not to mention a host of dubious characters who aren’t in the habit of asking questions. Symon arrived in Oldtown sometime during or before the first snows and quickly made a name for himself. He started out by managing a couple of warehouses on the docks, but was soon called in to oversee the city’s granaries. Nobody can say for certain how he got the job at the wharves in the first place, though it is likely the result of someone repaying a favour. Whatever the case, he proved himself of being more than capable of managing Oldtown’s granaries during the harsh winter by conserving a remarkable amount of food, preventing any thefts and meddling from foreign forces while keeping everyone more or less happy. His successes eventually garnered the attention of the Hightowers, especially Lord Otho, who invited him into his court. Ostensibly this was on account of Symon’s skill as an administrator, however it’s likely his network of contacts played a much greater role. With the coming of spring Symon is still settling into his elevated position, but he has already proven quite deft at navigating many of the court’s dangerous undercurrents. [u][b]Personality: [/b][/u] While he is insignificant in the grand scheme of things, Symon has proven to be an adept player of the Game. He has risen much in a relatively short time and shows no sign of stopping. A cynic at heart, Symon honestly believes that everyone is out for themselves and will not hesitate to use whatever means are necessary to gain the upper hand. That said, despite his flexible morals, he has a sort of personal code he sticks to. Favours are everything to Symon, he owes his success to them and knows that he must honour his obligations when called upon. He is loyal to the Hightowers not because of some abstract ideal, but of pure necessity – he knows that the only way to achieve what he wants is to attach himself to a powerful lord and to aid in his endeavours. Perhaps one of his greatest strengths or flaws, depending on how you look at it, is that he is a realist, fully aware of his own position. As such, his ambitions are rather humble – he wishes to legitimise his name and found a House of his own. He will not get in the way of those more powerful than him, unless he has sufficient backing and a good reason for doing so. [/hider] I'm also planning on playing a landed knight or something along those lines, so if anyone needs such a character give me a nudge. Hedge knights or other vagabonds are welcome as well, I'm sure we can think of a reason to get together. :lol